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You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality Walt Disney


Significant and Impactful

How is this idea / project / research significant and what will the impact be for HKBU / the community?

You can't understand climate change in pieces, says climate scientist Gavin Schmidt. It's the whole, or it's nothing. In this illuminating talk, he explains how he studies the big picture of climate change with mesmerizing models that illustrate the endlessly complex interactions of small-scale environmental events

Value add

How is this project / research interdisciplinary? How innovative/creative is this project / research? How does it add value to HKBU / the faculties / the schools / the community?

What's a marine biologist doing talking about world hunger? Well, says Jackie Savitz, fixing the world's oceans might just help to feed the planet's billion hungriest people. In an eye-opening talk, Savitz tells us what’s really going on in our global fisheries right now — it’s not good — and offers smart suggestions of how we can help them heal, while making more food for all

External engagement

Are the project’s / research partners external to HKBU? Is the idea/ project / research bringing academics from different disciplines and non-profit organisations, policy-makers, think-tanks and companies together?

Ecologist Deborah Gordon studies ants wherever she can find them — in the desert, in the tropics, in her kitchen ... In this fascinating talk, she explains her obsession with insects most of us would happily swat away without a second thought. She argues that ant life provides a useful model for learning about many other topics, including disease, technology and the human brain.

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